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Find rehabs and addiction treatment in New Jersey

Addiction treatment for alcoholism, opioids, cocaine, crack, and meth is in high demand in New Jersey. All these substances pose significant challenges for New Jersey. The state does not yet support strong parity legislation, and as such even if you have comprehensive private health insurance - such as a PPO plan, you may find that your provider will not fund your drug treatment as they would fund any physical treatment that you might need.

Fortunately, for those who cannot afford a private drug or alcohol rehab, there are several free/low-cost drug and alcohol rehabs in New Jersey. Affordable recovery services are usually charitable facilities, supported housing organizations, or rehabs that receive state funding for subsidized care. They do not, in general, turn people away for financial reasons.

You can find out about your eligibility for state-funded drug treatment by contacting the NJ DHS (Division of Mental Health and Addiction Services) on 844-276-2777. Please also review our listings of drug rehabs within New Jersey.

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